Opening Doors Through ODU

Kevin M. McIntyre, '12/'13 (MBA)

Kevin M. McIntyre portrait


My initial interest in ODU stemmed from the opportunity to continue my athletic career in baseball. After visiting the campus, I fell in love with the small campus feel and the community that seemed to care so much about each student.

Some of my favorite memories of ODU are the times I spent with my baseball teammates and the countless memories of my experience as a peer advisor. I would definitely say working as a peer advisor helped me to start becoming a leader, something that continued throughout my education and after graduation from Ohio Dominican.

 Looking back, I realize that my time at Ohio Dominican University opened a lot of doors and offered me opportunities that have helped me get to where I am today. I have a passion to give back to the University, both with my time and through financial means.

When you have been given the platform that I believe I have, there is a responsibility to not only reach back and help others through networking, but to show your investment through monetary support.

Kevin M. McIntyre

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