These are the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Education degree (B.S.E.) at Ohio Dominican University.
Students are to complete the degree requirements in the catalog in effect at the time they enroll at Ohio Dominican University unless they change their academic major. When students change their major, they must complete the degree requirements in the catalog in effect at the time of the major change.
  • General Undergraduate Degree Requirements

    All Undergraduate Degrees

    • Satisfactory completion of all required coursework and other requirement activities.
    • Attainment of an overall GPA of 2.000 or 2.75 depending on the academic program.
    • Attainment of a GPA of 2.000 or 2.75 in major program requirements. GPA required depends on major program.
    • Completion of an Application for Graduation according to the dates published in the Academic Calendar. (Application forms are available through ODU Online.)
    • Payment of all tuition, graduation fee, library fines, residence hall fines, and other financial obligations.
  • Bachelor Degrees
    • Completion of a minimum of 120 semester credits of which at least 30 of the last 60 must be taken at Ohio Dominican University.
    • Completion of either 50% of the credit hours within the major or no less than 15 credits* at Ohio Dominican University.
    • Completion of the:
      a. Core Curriculum Fundamentals
      b. Core Seminars
      c. Disciplinary Studies Requirements
      d. Specific requirements of the major program as listed in this section of the catalog.
    • No more than eight semester credits of English as a Second Language may be counted toward graduation requirements under any of the bachelor degree programs.
    • No more than four physical education activity credits (EXSC 100) may be counted toward graduation requirements under any of the bachelor degree programs. 

    *Students must complete at least 9 credits in any discipline in the Division of Business that requires the business core.

Course Requirements

Course & Disciplines Credits
Core Curriculum Fundamentals 
ENG 110 - College Writing I 3
ENG 111 - College Writing II 3
MTH 153 A & B - Principles of Mathematics I & II for
Primary Education Teachers and Intervention Specialists
MTH 152 - Principles of Mathematics and Technology for Middle
Childhood Teachers
CORE Seminars 
Freshman Seminar - CORE: What is Human Nature?  3
Sophomore Seminar - CORE: What is the Common Good?   (3)
Junior Seminar - CORE: What is Justice?  (3)
Senior Seminar - CORE: What Truths Have We Learned?   (3)
Either or both of the Sophomore and Junior Seminars may satisfy area studies and/or major requirements. The Sophomore and Junior Seminars must be selected from different academic disciplines. The Senior Seminar is the capstone course for the major.

Transfer students, readmitted students and students changing major programs will enter the series of seminars at the appropriate tier based on the number of credits transferred or completed:

Number of Transfer Credits Seminar Entry Point
17 or less Freshman
18 - 49 Sophomore
50 or more Junior
Disciplinary Studies Requirements
Philosophy & Theology
Six semester credits in philosophy and six semester credits in theology with at least one course in each area at the 200-level or higher. PHL 101 does not fulfill any part of the philosophy requirement in the core

Language Studies - EDU 211 - Teaching Phonics / Structure of Language (3)

Art & Ideas - (9 Semester credits)
Primary Education & Intervention Specialist Programs:
   ART 237 - Art for Teachers (3)
   HST 201 or 202 - American History I or II (3)
   EDU 120 - Tchg Rdg Lit for Chld Yng Adults (3)
Middle Childhood Program:
   Any Art (ART), Design (DSN), Music (MUS), or Theatre (THR) (3)
   HST 201 or 202 - American History I or II (3)
   EDU 120 - Tchg Rdg Lit for Chld Yng Adults (3)

Natural Sciences 
Choose from the following disciplines: Biology (BIO), Chemistry (CHM), Environmental Studies and Science (ENV), Physics (PHY), or Science (SCI).
Social & Behavioral Science
Primary Education:
   GEO 125 -World Geography (3)
   EDU 215 - Diversity & the Learner (3)
Middle Childhood Education:
   GEO 125 - World Geography (3)
   EDU 230 - Intro to Special Education & Diverse Learners (3)
Intervention Specialists Program:
   PSY 100 - Intro to Psychology (3)
   EDU 230 - Intro to Special Education & Diverse Learners (3)
Within the core curriculum, three semester hours must address diversity, global or multicultural issues. See the course listings for courses that meet this requirement. (3)
Minimum Major Specific Requirements

See your program of interest for specific requirements