Gesture Magazine is Ohio Dominican University’s Literary Journal

We publish excellent and distinctive works of written and visual art created by members of the ODU community. The magazine is committed to diversity in authorship, subject matter, language and genres. Each issue reflects the creativity and preeminence of the university while supporting the mission of Ohio Dominican.

Gesture is supported by ODU’s Department of English.

Want to see your work in print? Submit to Gesture!


Gesture Magazine is pleased to announce we are seeking creative writing in any genre (poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction and others) as well as critical work and visual art for publication in our Spring 2025 release.

Accepting submissions until Feb. 1, 2025


Gesture welcomes contributions by Ohio Dominican University students, faculty and staff in a variety of genres and visual art mediums. You may submit:

  • Poetry
  • Short fiction
  • Creative non-fiction, essay, or memoir
  • Drama
  • Critical writing
  • Photography
  • Paint, illustration, and other visual art

All submissions undergo a review process by student editors, staff readers and faculty advisors.

To submit to Gesture, email your work to

  • Submissions should be in a single Word document or PDF file with no identifying information (name, email address, etc.) in the manuscript.
  • Include a title page with the names and genres of individual pieces.
  • You may submit up to five poems, 15 pages of fiction/non-fiction, or 10 pages of critical writing.
  • For visual art submissions, include a high quality image as an attachment.
  • In the body of your email, include:
    • Your full name (as you want it printed)
    • Brief author bio (100 words or less)

Gesture accepts rolling submissions year round, but most submissions will be evaluated in late winter for consideration of the annual Spring issue.

We are currently accepting submissions for Vol. 20 (Spring 2025) until Feb. 1.


About Gesture

Gesture Magazine is a great opportunity for students to learn about the publishing and editing process in the fields of creative writing, publishing, copy-editing and more. Get publishing experience as a writer and an editor!

In addition to pieces selected for publication through the review process, Gesture also honors several student award winners, including:

The Freshman Writing Award

Presented to the writer(s) of an outstanding essay submitted to ODU’s freshman composition courses as nominated by the instructors.

The Sister Maryanna Childs Award

Presented to the writer(s) of an outstanding essay in an upper division course, as nominated by the instructors.

The Judith C. Mitchell Award

Presented to the best piece of creative writing published each year in Gesture.

Virtual Library & Back Issue Orders

Download Gesture Spring 2024 Chapbook (40 Mb)

Coming soon – virtual library of historical issues of Gesture. Interested in another back issue? Email Gesture faculty advisor Dr. Anthony DeGenaro at or visit the Gesture Library in Sansbury 201.

Current Staff

Faculty Advisor Dr. Anthony DeGenaro
Co-Managing Editor Katelyn Woodley
Co-Managing Editor Kristen Phillips
Staff Readers  

Want to be involved?

Gesture is always looking for students, faculty and staff interested in all aspects of the publishing process from Staff Readers, Managing Editors, Graphic Designers and Marketing & P.R.!

  • Staff Readers make a small but important commitment each Spring by reading, discussing and voting on submissions to publish in every issue of the journal. You can work remotely or during the few, and brief, reading sessions, which often include snacks!

  • Genre Editors oversee the final selection and provide tie-breaking votes for staff readers in the categories of Fiction, Poetry and Non-Fiction. Genre Editors participate in more of the day-to-day operations of the journal and can expect some responsibilities in the Fall as well as the Spring.

  • Managing Editors are the leaders of Gesture and will work closely with the Faculty Advisor year-round attending events, planning the call for submissions and overseeing the Staff Readers and Genre Editors as selections for publication are made. Managing Editors are responsible for approving the layout and design of the publication before it is submitted to print and our digital library. Managing Editors may enroll in the 3 credit hour course Journal Editor (ENG 340) and receive credit towards graduation. English Majors encouraged to apply for the position.

Contact Us to Join Gesture

Email Faculty Advisor Dr. Anthony DeGenaro ( a resume and cover letter stating what position you are interested in.


Discover ODU's English Department

The English Department here at Ohio Dominican offers students a strong foundation in classic, contemporary and international literature. The breadth of coverage – from Beowulf to Stan Lee – prepares students for a variety of rewarding careers. In addition to our English major, we offer minors in English, Creative Writing and Professional Writing that can enhance any university major.

Learn More