Course offerings listed below may vary from year to year based on course availability. For the most up-to-date courses, course requirements and descriptions, always refer to the current University Catalog. View the current Catalog here.

BIO 201 - General Biology: Cells, Genetics & Evolution
4 Credits
An in-depth study of the basic concepts of biology including cellular organization and function, Mendelian and molecular genetics, and Darwinian evolution. This course is designed to provide a foundation for advanced study in the biological sciences; laboratory included. 

BIO 202 - General Biology: Botany, Zoology & Ecology
4 Credits
A survey of botany, zoology, and ecology; this lab based course will introduce students to current scientific research in these fields. Moving from basic understandings, students will begin to practice botany and ecology in an applied manner and learn to clearly communicate the results of that work, laboratory included.

BIO 203 - General Biology: Anatomy & Physiology
4 Credits
This course provides a basis of the structure and function of all major organ systems and their integration. This course is designed to provide a foundation for advanced study in the biological sciences; laboratory included.

BIO 252 - Human Nutrition
3 Credits
A study of the biological foundations of nutrition, its biological and physiological phenomena and its association with health issues, laboratory included. 

Prerequisites: BIO 201, BIO 203, and CHM 109.

BIO 330 - Ecology
4 Credits
An introductory course in basic ecology, the study of the flows of matter and energy in nature, and the relationship between living things and the environment. This includes relationships between individuals, populations, and ecosystems, and changes over time. Include laboratory will be field and microcosm explorations. 

Prerequisites: BIO 202 and CHM 109.

BIO 341 - Human Anatomy
4 Credits
A system-based study of the human anatomy. Includes a cadaver-based laboratory exploration of human gross anatomy. 

Prerequisite: BIO 203. 

BIO 342 - Human Physiology
4 Credits
An examination of the major physiological systems, their function, and their integration, which includes the nervous, muscular, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, renal, digestive, and reproductive systems. Laboratory included. 

Prerequisite: BIO 203. Co-requisite: CHM 110. Not open to students with credit for BIO 242.

BIO 366 - Genetics
4 Credits
A survey of major principles of Mendelian, molecular, and population genetics and the societal issues raised by recent advances in this field; laboratory included. 

Prerequisite: BIO 201. 

BIO 2/3/486 - Independent Research
1-8 Credits
Laboratory and/or field research in which a student pursues an investigation of a selected area. Includes Honors Program research. 

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor, academic advisor, division chairperson.

CHM 109 - General Chemistry I
4 Credits
Foundations of chemistry for Science majors. Topics include atomic structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, phases of matter, chemical energetics, molecular geometry; includes laboratory.

Co-requisite: MTH 102 or equivalent placement.

CHM 110 - General Chemistry II
4 Credits
Continuation of basic principles of chemistry: solutions, equilibria; acids and bases; electrochemistry; nuclear chemistry; descriptive inorganic and organic chemistry. Laboratory experiments in conjunction with the theory. 

Prerequisite: CHM 109 with a minimum grade of C. 

EXSC 214 - Introduction to Pharmacology
3 Credits
This course provides a basic understanding of commonly used drugs, supplements, and medications currently involved in exercise and health. This course will also examine the effects of these drugs, supplements, and medications on exercise tolerance and performance. 

Prerequisite: BIO 203. Not open to students who have taken BIO 109.

MTH 102 - Beginning Algebra
3 Credits
This basic course in algebra includes a review of pre-algebra skills (integers, fractions, and order of operations), then focuses on linear equations, proportions, Cartesian coordinates, graphing linear equations, verbal problems, exponents, direct and inverse variation, and summation. Emphasizes quantitative reasoning and highlights applications of mathematics in a variety of disciplines and daily life. Does not fulfill the mathematics requirement of the Core Curriculum. 

Not open to students with credit for MTH 100 or higher numbered MTH courses.

MTH 140 - Introduction to Statistics
3 Credits
An introduction to the basic concepts and computations used in statistical analysis as well as their application to problems in other disciplines, especially biology, business, education, and social sciences. Topics include the description of data graphically and numerically, the collection of data via samples and experiments, and the process of drawing inferences or conclusions from data.

The laboratory component of the course emphasizes conceptual understanding, interpretation of statistical quantities, and written/oral communication and will require the use of mathematical software. 

Prerequisite: MTH 102 or placement.

PSY 100 - Introduction to Psychology
3 Credits
A survey course on the basic principles of psychology and their applications to human behavior and social problems. Multiple perspectives emerging from different philosophical and socio-historical contexts are used to examine domains of human thought and behavior.

Topics include research methods, human development, gender differences, learning and cognition, psychobiology, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior, methods of treatment, and the impact of social situations and culture on behavior.

PSY 224 - Human Development: Lifespan
3 Credits
A broad overview of theory, research, and applications in human psychological development from conception to death. Using the lifespan developmental perspective, patterns of growth, change, and stability in various domains of development (e.g., physical, cognitive, social, and personality) are examined.

Furthermore, the interaction of domains within the context in which development occurs is emphasized (e.g., the interaction of biological, psychological, and sociological factors within a sociohistorical context). 

This course is for non-psychology majors. Prerequisite: PSY 100. 

PSY 232 - Research Methods & Statistics I
3 Credits
An introduction to the methods used in psychological research including descriptive, predictive, and experimental procedures with emphasis on the appropriate use of statistics. Laboratory work develops skills in literature review, hypothesis formulation, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and scientific report writing. 

Prerequisite: PSY 100; Pre- or Co-requisite: MTH 140.

PSY 234 - Animal Behavior
3 Credits
A look at non-human behavior starting with classic topics in ethology, comparative psychology, and learning. The class will also study applied animal behavior, including captive breeding, release programs and pet behavior. Students will also make scientific observations of animal behavior while providing services at local rescue shelters and humane societies. 

Prerequisite: PSY 100 or 100-level BIO.

PSY 236 - Biopsychology
3 Credits
Introduction to the role of the nervous system in behavior. Representative topics include basic neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, sensory processes, and the physiology of aggression, emotion, and behavior disorders. 

Prerequisite: PSY 100 or 100-level BIO or consent of instructor. Not open to students with credit for PSY 334.

PSY 332 - Research Methods & Statistics II
3 Credits
A continuation of the material covered in Research Methods and Statistics I with an emphasis on more complex experimental procedures and the appropriate use of statistics (covering the dependent t-test, ANOVA, and nonparametric statistics). Laboratory work further develops skills in literature review, hypothesis formulation, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and scientific reporting. 

Prerequisites: PSY 100, PSY 232, MTH 140.

PSY 335 - Health Psychology
3 Credits
An introduction to the biopsychosocial approach to the prevention and treatment of health-related problems. Representative topics include stress, chronic illness, death and dying, risky behavior, drug use and addiction, nutrition and exercise, placebo effects, non-traditional medicines, doctor-patient communication, animal assisted therapies, and the human-animal bond.

Prerequisite: PSY 100 or 100-level BIO or consent of instructor. Not open to students with credit for PSY 235.

PSY 354 - Psychopathology
3 Credits
A study of the major forms of psychopathology including anxiety and stress disorders, depression and suicide, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and substance abuse. In addition, the course examines a variety of social issues concerning our society’s responses to those labeled mentally ill. 

Prerequisite: PSY 100.

PSY 433 - Learning & Motivation
3 Credits
Theories and basic processes of learning, such as classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning will be studied. Within this framework, classic studies in animal behavior along with current research in applied behavior analysis and human motivation are reviewed. Laboratory work emphasizes research in these areas through computer simulations as well as experimentation. 

Prerequisites: MTH 140; PSY 100, 332; or consent of the instructor.

PSY 434 - Cognitive Processes
3 Credits
A study of the basic mechanisms that govern human thought. Readings, lectures and labs address attention, perception, pattern recognition, memory, mental representation, psycholinguistics, problem solving, and artificial intelligence. Lab research explores the methodological techniques for understanding cognition. 

Prerequisites: MTH 140; PSY 100, 332; or consent of the instructor.

PSY 479 - CORE: Current Issues in Psychology
3 Credits
An exploration of current topics in psychology in the context of enduring issues related to human nature, common good, justice, and truth finding. Empirical capstone projects emphasize the syntheses of knowledge from psychology’s past and present, skill in research methodology, and the appropriate application of psychological science for well-being. 

Prerequisites: Completion of junior core seminar; PSY 100, 332, an additional 12 credits in psychology beyond the 100-level, and senior standing or consent of the instructor.

PSY 497 - Field Work
1 to 6 Credits
For each 1 hour of credit, 40 hours of supervised field experience in a selected area of applied psychology. Open to Psychology majors only. Pass-fail option available. 

Prerequisites: junior standing, consent of instructor, five psychology courses including PSY 100, 451 (for social service placements) or PSY 332 (for research and evaluation placements). May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.